Burc Karakas · Oct. 28, 2020
My name is Veronica and I am a student of the Technical University from Moldova. My family is abroad, but I have chosen to continue my studies home because Moldovan universities can offer a safe and happy future for those who make an effort to become good specialists in the department they have chosen .
Location of Moldova
The Republic of Moldova is a state located in south-eastern Europe, bordering Romania and Ukraine, a member of the UN, the Council of Europe and other organizations and is in the process of European integration.
The admission procedure is based on a competition, preparing the document package assures your place, also some departments may have a small exam, so before you apply for a department is necessary to inform you on the official website of each university. Universities have budget places for students who perform and and unlimited places based on the tax.
My student experience started in 2017's autumn when I decided to apply to the only state-accredited technical higher education institution in the Republic of Moldova ,to the Technical University from Moldova (9520 students) which since its founding in 1964, has prepared around 78387 engineers and economists. It is a member of the Black Sea Universities Network, which includes 11 countries of the Regional Economic Cooperation. Thus, TUM falls into a university area, which will also become a part of Europe's unique university space.At TUM, studies are organized on the basis of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). The ECTS system facilitates the mobility of students and young specialists in the European area with the recognition of study diplomas.
Polygraphic Design and Technologies
I chose Polygraphic Design and Technologies department. I get bored very fast, so I chose a profession where I always learn something new, where I develop both my artistic and technical abilities. The well-thought-out choice of the profession can help you combine usefulness with pleasure, theory with practice and free time with the studing. I was pleasantly surprised to find out how many facilities universities offer for students who are keen on knowledges. Halls for information with state-of-the-art technologies, modern libraries, trainings, the opportunity to participate in scientific conferences and competitions, the opportunity to manifest yourself, as a personality.
In the first year of studies I had the chance to attend a full course of Adobe Illustrator, where I learned all about this software which I will need in the future. I continued to learn and after I had finished the course, I decided to deepen myself in the Adobe Photoshop software. In the second year I participated in a scientific conference on "Evolution of labels for sparkling wine in the Republic of Moldova", where the article was subsequently published. Participation in the conference gave me the opportunity to become more courageous in front of a large audience, to develop my diction and helped to implement new ideas in the design industry.
 Teachers are very understanding and ready to give you a helping hand and respect human relationships. You are free to express yourself in your own way, to generate new ideas that will be for your benefit and will help you develop. You have the chance to make many new acquaintances and friends. The university you apply to will not only worry about your level of knowledge, but also about your health. So here you can go to fitness clubs, you can choose your favorite sport and become the best. You will always have support from the coaches, the team and the team of teachers.
If you want to become a good specialist, develop freely and exceed any limit, if you are like to travel, if you are passionate about discovering new things and want to find a hospitable people and incredibly tasty food, or if you want an unforgettable experience , then choose to study in Moldova.
Let us find your dream university.