Lublin University of Technology

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Lublin University of Technology

Lublin University of Technology is a public university that regularly takes top places in the ranking of the best universities in Poland. It represents 60 years of tradition and experience in university-level technical education. At present, there are 6 faculties: Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Faculty, Building and Architecture Faculty, Environmental Engineering Faculty, Management and Fundamentals of Technology Faculty. LUT can provide 16 programs and over 55 specializations for students. Moreover, the university gives an opportunity to join the international student exchange program and do the internships in the Erasmus Academic Network. LUT is one of the universities that provides extensive financial support for students. The university has central location in the city with convenient public transportation and also offers accommodation in Students’ Dormitories. There is a great variety of sport and art clubs, swimming pools, green and recreational zones in the campus. 


University Type




Scholarship Ratio

Public University

Total Physical Area


Placement Rate


Technology Office



Lublin University of Technology Features.

Athletics Field

Lublin University of Technology Features.

Fitness Center

Lublin University of Technology Features.

Clubs and Societies

Lublin University of Technology Features.


Lublin University of Technology Features.

Swimming Pool

Lublin University of Technology Features.

Health Center

Lublin University of Technology Features.


Lublin University of Technology Features.

Conference Hall

Lublin University of Technology Features.


Lublin University of Technology Features.

Tennis Court

Lublin University of Technology Features.

Career Office

Lublin University of Technology Features.

Student Central

Lublin University of Technology Features.

Dining Hall

Lublin University of Technology Features.


Where is Lublin University of Technology?


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