Red Deer College

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Red Deer College

Red Deer College is a public comprehensive community college of approximately 7,000 students in credit programs and 10,000 in non-credit programming located in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada. Established in 1964, RDC was built for a smaller semi-rural community but, in the four and a half decades since its founding, the city has grown into the third-largest in the province. The college has made an effort to maintain a sense of community that fosters learning with small class sizes, hands-on learning, and instructors who are accessible and interested in their students' success. The college offers certificates, diplomas, advanced certificates, applied degrees, academic upgrading, and apprenticeship in over 75 different career and academic programs. The college has a variety of programs spanning the creative and liberal arts to engineering and trades with a focus on student success in the job market. Red Deer College's Main Campus is situated in the central Alberta corridor between Edmonton and Calgary. The campus is located near the Queen Elizabeth II Highway, an hour and a half drive from each of the province's major city centers, making it convenient for commuters. The main campus features a library, a bar, a restaurant, a Tim Hortons, a Starbucks, and other food-related businesses. Red Deer College has one of the top athletics programs in Canada, as the Kings and Queens continue to produce the best overall records at the national competition of any college in the country. The 17 Red Deer College Kings and Queens teams compete in the Alberta Colleges Athletic Conference. Other team and mixed sports Red Deer College participates in include: basketball, soccer, volleyball, hockey, badminton, cross country running, curling, and golf. They are particularly known for their excellence in volleyball.


University Type




Scholarship Ratio

Public University

Total Physical Area


Placement Rate


Technology Office








Red Deer College Features.

Biomechanics Laboratory

Red Deer College Features.

Print Centre

Red Deer College Features.

Fitness Center

Red Deer College Features.


Red Deer College Features.

Clubs and Societies

Red Deer College Features.


Red Deer College Features.

Health Center

Red Deer College Features.

Conference Hall

Red Deer College Features.

Student House

Red Deer College Features.


Red Deer College Features.


Red Deer College Features.

Career Office

Red Deer College Features.


Red Deer College Features.

Student Clubs

Red Deer College Features.

International Service

Where is Red Deer College?


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