The Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, commonly known as TUAT is a Japanese national university headquartered in Fuchū, Tokyo.
The undergraduate organization of the university has two faculties, Agriculture and Engineering, and several departments.
Comprised of five departments, the Faculty of Agriculture aims to contribute tosolving various problems in the fields of agricultural science, life science, environmental science and veterinary medicine as well as establishing a sustainable society.
The Faculty of Engineering, comprised of six departments, provides a curriculum that allows students to study multiple fields centering on threeareas of expertise: Bio/Medical related, Energy/Environment/Material related, and Mobility/Robotics/Computing/AI related. In this environment, students can challenge themselves with research in interdisciplinary and integrated fields of Engineering which are established to reflect today’s societal needs.
Situated on 286,500m of campus ground in the heart of Tokyo, Fuchu Campus has the luxury of providing the latest educational programs and state-of-the-art facilities surrounded by lush greenery. Also includes off-campus suburban green lands for Field Science Center providing field-based education and research.
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