Oguz Kaan Kısa · March 3, 2021
The measures taken due to the COVID-19 outbreak continue. First, schools were suspended and it was announced that the distance education process would begin. Later, the operation of some public areas such as the library was suspended. Libraries are particularly preferred by students to study more efficiently. So how can studying at home be more efficient in the absence of libraries? In this article, we explain our recommendations for students who will work at home in this process!
The reason we prefer the library environment to our home is that the libraries are tidy and quiet. Therefore, you can start by organizing the working environment first. There should be no distractions on the table or in the viewpoint. The simpler your space, the more efficiently you work. On the contrary, you can put things that motivate you in places where you can see them, for example, by sticking a photo of your target school on the wall. In this way, you can motivate yourself by looking at it when you are overwhelmed while studying.
Libraries actually "oblige" to work by taking them away from the home environment. While watching TV, sleeping and eating at home are more frequent, we can be better integrated into working outside of home. But you can get over it! During this time, you might think of yourself as someone working full time at home. Let your wake up time, meal time, rest time be known in advance and write it on a schedule. Then tick whatever you do every day for everything you do on your schedule. So let's say you decide to wake up at 9 in the morning, eat at 1, rest at 5. Write these three hours on the schedule. If you wake up at 9 am, you can tick the relevant part of the schedule. But if you haven't woken up, unfortunately you have to wait for the next day. That way, you can at least keep certain household activities in a certain time order.
If you often feel sleepy while studying, let's talk about the classic things first: If you drink coffee, tea, etc., you should definitely reduce them. Apart from that, you can consult your family doctor or another doctor to take vitamins with the doctor's knowledge. Values such as low iron and B12 also affect our sleep quality. However, you should definitely take these with a doctor's recommendation. Another issue is the diet. You can increase your sleep quality by keeping your immunity high by eating plenty of fruits and vegetables. You can also reduce the use of sugar, fast food products. In addition to biological efficiency, you also need to renew yourself mentally. In a stressful time, your brain tries to delay things and run away without realizing it, so when we want to sit at a desk and work, it turns to sleep in response to the effect of all these factors. If your bed is in the work environment, you should not let the bed distract you. It may be better to work in small intervals rather than keeping working hours long. Ventilating your workplace from time to time also has a positive effect, as the oxygen level also affects sleep.
It can be a source of motivation for people who are accustomed to studying in environments such as the library or who are used to group work. In the videos shared under the title "Let's Study Together", people often try out some study techniques, record and publish themselves while studying. Studying with them simultaneously will make you feel as if you are in a library and it will be enjoyable. Another piece of advice is to study videos with relaxing sounds and images, such as 'the rain and the fireplace'. You will see how enjoyable it is when you try it.
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